Tel: +255 784 691 120

Dodoma, Tanzania

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About Us



The name of the company is Makundi Transport and General Supplies Company Limited. This is an indigenous private limited liability company incorporated under the Company’s Act, 2002; on 5th August 2006 and given a Certificate of Incorporation no. 58320.



The company was:

  1. Incorporated in the United Republic of Tanzania on 17Th November 2006 under a Certificate of Registration no 58320
  2. Registered with TRA on 4th May 2004, as a tax payer and given TIN Certificate No. 105-609-264
  3. Registered with TRA on 8th October 2015 for Value Added Tax and assigned VRN No. 40-022-269-H
  4. Licensed by the Ministry of Trade on 26th November 2019 as a transporter vide a business license no. B289148
  5. Registered by Tanzania Medium and Small Trucks Association on 12 December 2019 as a member No 0192